IKEA HOL - cork stopper hanging staff
Hol is a kind of table which is suitable for living-room and it's large storage with lots hole.
I've seen lot's of people have done so many amazing works. like house of dog's and cat's, Computer Server etc.
I quite like to drink some wine at weekend. Everytime when I open it. After I smelt the scent of the wine with cork. I just put the cork into the little hole of Hol.
It just become the place to collect of cork without any useful benifit. One day,Wendy she put some paper coaster on it just for playing. After this.
I've got an idea.. If I can put more cork on it, It does more like hook. It can hang more staff.
Other hand my wife love to do some yoga, so she might be need more space in front of the TV. so I've added some wheel beneath the Hol. in case if she want to do yogo. so far I put little trash can, remote control's, coaster ,magazines on it.
so..that's the result, have a look~~
2013年4月15日 星期一
2013年4月8日 星期一
家具超人- 邊桌 my incredible furniture 2
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